

(simplified) Senty Golden Bell Handwriting

Senty Golden Bell Handwriting is a new handwriting font that is free to download. The strokes are expressive while maintaining the readability.

Senty Golden Bell ????? Regular

Senty Golden Bell ????? Regular : Download for free at Chinese Fonts. Get access to thousands of free Chinese fonts and typefaces. Get Started Now.

Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体

Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体. 文件类型:otf; 文件大小:5.73 MB; 字体内码:UNICODE. 本站还提供上传图片找字体服务,点此进入 字体识别。 点击下载字体. 特别说明:.

Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体 Font Download ...

Font Full Name: Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体 ; Font Family: 新蒂金钟体 ; Font Style: Regular ; Font Version: Version 1.00 October 21, 2015, initial release.

Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体Regular

字體全稱:, Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体Regular ; 字體家族:, 新蒂金钟体 ; 字體風格:, Regular ; 字體版本:, Version 1.00 May 6, 2015, initial release ; 字元數: ...

Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体字体

其它: 文件: Senty Golden Bell 新蒂金钟体.TTF 大小: 5.73M 版本: Version 1.00 December 7, ... 下载 是否商用: 商用需授权. 设计:. Wang Wei ...


Senty-Golden-Bell-2.ttf, 5865KB. 免责声明. 字体天下网站对其所列之字体不拥有版权,字体版权归原作者所有。 若您要将该字体用于商业目的,请联系作者获得授权,字体 ...

汉仪新蒂金钟体Senty Golden Bell ...

Hanyi Senty Golden Bell Handwriting is a writing-brush-style font, it covers traditional and simplified Chinese and Latin letters.

汉仪新蒂金钟体Senty Golden Bell Handwriting

Hanyi Senty Golden Bell Handwriting is a writing-brush-style font, it covers traditional and simplified Chinese and Latin letters.


2021年9月15日 — 汉仪新蒂金钟体字体(字体家族名称:新蒂金钟体;字体风格样式名称:Regular),共有11440个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充, ...